
Flexible packaging for conductive adhesives

Conductive adhesives have special properties that allow them to conduct electricity. Flexible packaging stores them in a way that preserves these properties and increases their effectiveness over other packages.


Flexible packaging features

Our flexible packaging system separates the resin from the catalyst in a single self-contained package. When you're ready to use the conductive adhesive, you remove the divider clip and mix the two components. Flexible packages are available in sizes ranging from 1 gram to 150 grams with specialty sizes available upon request.

Increased effectiveness

Because the  flexible packaging holds the two components of the adhesive separately, the conductive adhesive is not activated until you are ready to use it. This prevents the adhesive from breaking down during storage and helps to increase both its shelf life and its effectiveness in conducting electricity.

With the flexible package, we are sure that your conductive adhesives will be as effective as the manufacturer intended them to be.

No mess packaging

Because you mix the adhesive right in the package, you don't have to worry about making a mess when using it.

Place your order for flexible packaging today.


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